The City of Bend is opening streets for people on pop-up Neighborhood Greenway routes for neighbors to enjoy a slow-speed, low-traffic shared roadway environment. These pop-up neighborhood greenway streets will have temporary restrictions of through-traffic and are located on neighborhood greenway routes that are either already constructed, were planned for construction later this summer/fall, or are on the city’s planned network of neighborhood greenways. Look for them out your front door the week of 4/20/2020.

NE 6th Street

Existing neighborhood greenway NE 6th Street has speed humps, shared lane markings & posted 20 mph. City added Road Closed to Thru Traffic signs (local traffic only) to help people stay 6 feet apart when they walk and bike.

NW 15th Street

Existing neighborhood greenway NW 15th Street has speed humps, shared lane markings & posted 20 mph. City added Road Closed to Thru Traffic signs (local traffic only) to help people stay 6 feet apart when they walk and bike.

SE Roosevelt Avenue

Roosevelt is scheduled for neighborhood greenway construction later this summer. To help people stay 6 feet apart when they walk and bike, the city is adding portable Speed 20, Pedestrian Warning, and Road Closed to Thru Traffic signs now.

More locations are coming soon. Check back for updates! 

Read more and see the map. 

#openstreets Commute Options