2023 was an incredible year for us at Commute Options. Here are a few highlights from a great year!

Safe Routes to School
Safe Routes to School is one of Commute Options’ foundational programs and is part of a national network of providers bringing walking and biking education and encouragement to students. This year we increased participation by 50% from last year in the Spring Walk and Roll Challenge, International Walk to School Day, Ruby Bridges Walk to school day and SRTS Educational programming in 6 elementary schools.
This year we grew our vanpool program from 8 vans to 26 vans serving over 90 people in Central Oregon. These vans are covering over 6,900 miles/week getting people to and from work safety and efficiently, together.
This year we were able to work with Cascade East Transit to fully subsidize vans running in Crook, Jefferson and Deschutes Counties!

Get There Rewards
In October we hosted first ever TEAM Get There Challenge where participants won prizes, reduced carbon emissions, and improved their own personal health! The 2023 challenge had, 1,180 participants in 254 teams logged 21,575 trips/remote work days, reduced 190,311 drive-alone miles, and reduced 120,988 lbs. of CO2.
Statewide Safe Routes to School
This year we hosted 10 webinars offered training for SRTS practitioners statewide on a wide range of topics, as well as month Central Oregon Hub meetings to build the SRTS network in the region. The TAP team also helped organize 9 JumpStart bicycle and pedestrian safety education Train-the-Trainer sessions to bring SRTS education to all corners of the state.

Oregon Friendly Driver
In 2023 Oregon Friendly Driver reached people who drive through the virtual Oregon Friendly Driver Online course and Live Webinar, as well as through in person classes that were offered across Central Oregon. Driver education teachers have integrated the materials into their curriculum and regularly invite our instructors to teach the training during their driver education classes.
E-Bike Safety Course
This year we created an E-bike Safety Course to help people learn about general safety, legal rights, and responsibilities of riding an e-bike. This course was taken by all recipients of the City of Bend’s E-bike rebate program, as well as many individuals int eh community wanting to expand their knowledge and understanding of E-bike riding protocols. In conjunction, we hosted Chris Thomas from who is an expert on Oregon E-bike law to help answer questions on the subject.