Another International Walk and Roll to School day has come and gone, but we still have huge smiles on our faces! This year we had 4 walking school buses, a bike train, rolling recess and over 160 students from 18 different schools logged their trips on our website. We couldn’t have done it without the great work of school teachers, principals, volunteers, parents and excited students ready to walk, skate, and bike. Some families even drove to park closer and walked together!

Photos submitted by Regan Nicholl and Lindsay Stimac.

This day is an incredible time to see so many students and their families out experiencing walking and rolling to school for the first time. Many families will make forever shifts in their travel habits and will now use walking and rolling to get to school instead of driving! This kid of commuting promotes physical wellness, improves cognitive abilities, and teaches critical social skills that students will use for the rest of their lives.